
    A diverse group of happy, positive kids standing in a circle with their arms around each other, looking down at the camera and smiling.

    A startup on a mission to reverse the downward trend in children’s mental health by supporting resilience and positivity for kids and their grownups

    A message from our CEO

    “Our main types of content pieces are short, neuroscience-backed, story-style podcasts – perfect for school commutes or errands – and storybooks that follow and expand on the podcasts, including adult-level “Shift Notes” that explain the science behind the stories at a more advanced level. We’re also creating animated videos featuring The Mindshifters, our protagonists, and we’re planning to develop curriculum, activities, community event kits, exercise videos, original music, and much more… Stay tuned!”

    Headshot of Lesley Stevens, CEO of the Mindshift Neurolab, with long blonde hair.

    Lesley Stevens


    CEO, Mindshift Neurolab

    Rooted in the latest neuroscience and psychology research

    Fun and interactive materials that make learning enjoyable

    Resources for children and support for caregivers to foster resilience and emotional well-being

    We all want our children’s opportunities to exceed our own. Let’s give them the support they need to realize their true potential.

    As a startup with a comprehensive vision for improving the quality of life for kids, we’re taking aim at these statistics.


    Increased Suicide-related ER Visits

    The proportion of pediatric emergency department visits for suicide-related reasons increased fivefold from 2011-2020

    Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)


    Increased Childhood Suicidal Ideation

    The proportion of pediatric emergency department visits for suicidal ideation increased by 59% from 2016 to 2021 in Illinois

    American Academy of Pediatrics

    25.2% & 20.5%

    Global High Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression

    During year one of COVID-19, 25.2% of youth globally experienced clinically elevated depression symptoms, and 20.5% experienced anxiety symptoms – double pre-pandemic rates.

    How Can We Stop the Decline in Our Kids’ Mental Health?

    With the growth of unhealthy inputs to our children’s minds and bodies, it’s up to adults to up the ante on positive influences. This means creating more time for play and skill-learning and less for mindless consumption. It means replacing at least a portion of the addictive, attention-killing technology and media that surrounds children today with something better – much better. Kids deserve content that’s specifically designed to build them up, not tear them down.

    Kids deserve to be kids: Curious. Creative. Eager. Not overstimulated with ill-advised content. The easiest place for adults to start making a difference is to simply start replacing bad with good. Replace technological mechanisms designed to drive maximum engagement with those that are proven to elevate learning and adaptability. That’s where we come in.

    To provide children with science-based, engaging tools that build resilience, creativity, and emotional stability. To strengthen young minds with life-long skills that build confidence and help them thrive in a world that is changing faster by the day.

    We envision a world where every child feels cherished and empowered to pursue their potential. The Mindshift Neurolab strives to be the leading source of positive mindset education for kids, nurturing the next generation of confident, compassionate leaders who create ripple effects in their homes, schools, communities, and ultimately the world.